Official Results from the 41st Charlie Butt Scullers' Head of the Potomac

Sunday September 26th, 2021

Return to 2024 Regatta Results


Due to fast river conditions this year's race course was shortened by half a mile to 2.3 miles (3700m) with age handicaps adjusted accordingly. Clear and dry weather prevailed with a morning low of 57F and an afternoon high of 77F. A northwest wind picked up in the early afternoon. The Little Falls river gauge measured river height at just above 5ft and falling.


1 Open Pair (M&W)/Women's Junior Double
2 Open Single (M&W)
3 Lightweight Single (M&W)
4 Junior/Novice/Freedom Rows Single (M&W)
5 Men's Intermediate/Master/Senior Master/Grand Master/Veteran/Senior Veteran Single
6 Women's Intermediate/Junior/Master/Senior Master/Grand Master/Veteran/Senior Veteran Single
7 Men's Junior Eight
8 Men's Club Eight
9 Masters Four-with (M&W)
10 Women's Club Eight
11 Open Double (M&W)
12 Women's Junior Four-with
13 Men's Open Eight
14 Club Double (M&W)/Mixed Open Double/Men's Junior Double
15 Adaptive Inclusion Double (PR1,PR2,PR3-RD,PR3-ID)(M,W&Mixed)
1964 Paddling Exhibition (M&W)
16 Women's Open Four-with
17 Open Quad (M&W)/Masters Quad (M&W)/Junior Quad (M&W)/Mixed Quad
18 Masters Eight (M&W)
19 Men's Junior Four-with
20 Men's Open Four-with
21 Women's Open Eight
22 Masters Double (M&W&Mixed)
23 Women's Junior Eight/Mixed Eight/Grand Challenge Octuple


1 Open Pair (M&W))/Women's Junior Double

Event # 1A  Men's Open Pair

   No entries in this event this year.

Event # 1B  Women's Open Pair

   No entries in this event this year.

Event # 1C  Women's Junior Double

   No entries in this event this year.

2 Open Single (M&W)

Event # 2A  Men's Open Single

#    BOW  NAME                              CLUB                                   KEYBRDG  TIME   
1     18  Mark Couwenhoven                  Baltimore Rowing Club                  05:58.9  11:27.8
2     15  Paul Marcy                        Potomac Boat Club                      06:20.7  11:52.5
3     14  William Meeker                    Occoquan Boat Club                     06:17.9  11:58.8
4     16  Brian Jamieson                    Annapolis Rowing Club                  06:16.5  12:01.3
5     21  Priit Grabbi                      Occoquan Boat Club                     06:19.3  12:16.3
6     20  Nikolaus Meyer                    Southern Maryland RA                            13:03.2
      17  Charles Koontz                    Georgetown University                  06:17.3  DNF    

Event # 2B  Women's Open Single

#    BOW  NAME                                CLUB                                 KEYBRDG  TIME   
1     23  Sera Bulbul                         Potomac Boat Club                    06:50.0  12:55.9
2     24  Audrianna Boersen                   Potomac Boat Club                    06:57.6  13:06.4
3     22  Grace Libben                        Potomac Boat Club                    07:01.7  13:16.9

3 Lightweight Single (M&W)

Event # 3A  Men's Open Lightweight Single

#    BOW  NAME                              CLUB                                   KEYBRDG  TIME   
1     25  James Gallagher                   Potomac Boat Club                      06:34.4  12:39.8

Event # 3B  Women's Open Lightweight Single

#    BOW  NAME                              CLUB                                   KEYBRDG  TIME   
1     30  Charlotte Dobry                   Occoquan Boat Club                     07:14.8  13:44.5
2     29  Karen Lyons                       Potomac Boat Club                      07:28.2  14:11.4
3     88  Nancy Fechtig                     Southern Maryland RA                   07:32.8  14:25.1

4 Junior/Novice/Freedom Rows Single (M&W)

Event # 4A  Men's Junior Single

   No entries in this event this year.

Event # 4B  Men's Novice Single

   No entries in this event this year.

Event # 4C  Women's Novice Single

   No entries in this event this year.

Event # 4D  Men's Freedom Rows Single

   No entries in this event this year.

Event # 4E  Women's Freedom Rows Single

   No entries in this event this year.

5 Men's Intermediate/Master/Senior Master/Grand Master/Veteran/Senior Veteran Single

Event # 5A  Men's Intermediate Single

   No entries in this event this year.

Event # 5B  Men's Master Single

#    BOW  NAME                              CLUB                                   KEYBRDG  TIME   
1     41  Brian Bosch                       Occoquan Boat Club                     06:23.4  12:11.6
2     40  Jose Carrasco                     Potomac Boat Club                      06:58.8  13:26.3

Event # 5C  Men's Senior Master Single

#    BOW  NAME                            CLUB                                     KEYBRDG  TIME   
1     42  Philip Hoyle                    Occoquan Boat Club                       06:25.7  12:11.5
2     46  John Ciccarello                 Occoquan Boat Club                       06:30.9  12:29.1
3     43  Sherman Knight                  Potomac Boat Club                        06:41.2  12:42.6
4     44  Ed Gehres                       Potomac Boat Club                        06:56.2  13:14.1
5     45  Matthew Huray                   Washington Rowing School                 07:47.9  14:51.2

Event # 5D  Men's Grand Master Single

#    BOW  NAME                           CLUB                                      KEYBRDG  TIME   
1     47  Kevin Bedell                   Unaffiliated                              06:43.4  12:31.0
2     50  Erik Nienaber                  Occoquan Boat Club                        06:32.9  12:34.8
3     54  Robert Reichart                Capital Rowing Club                       06:47.9  13:00.5
4     52  Daniel Radack                  Potomac Boat Club                         06:46.7  13:02.7
5     48  Chris Krupiarz                 Baltimore Rowing Club                     06:56.8  13:13.9
5     51  Harold Garon                   Potomac Boat Club                         06:55.4  13:13.9
6     49  Richard Wegryn                 University Barge Club                     07:10.3  13:41.5
7     56  Peter Heimberg                 Alexandria Community Rowing               07:14.7  13:53.7
8     55  Jerome Socolovsky              Potomac Boat Club                         07:14.2  13:57.6
9     53  Bruce Herring                  Susquehanna Rowing Assoc                  07:34.2  14:24.6

Event # 5E  Men's Veteran Single

#    BOW  NAME                     CLUB                              KEYBRDG  TIME     ADJTIME  AGE
1     57  Stephen Schmitt          Potomac Boat Club                 06:40.0  12:48.2  12:37.3   62
2     66  Simon Plog               Washington Rowing School          06:43.5  13:04.0  12:58.6   61
3     59  Gregory Love             Potomac Boat Club                 07:08.4  13:29.2  13:06.7   64
4     58  Peter Pietra             Potomac Boat Club                 06:49.4  13:15.6  13:15.6   60
5     62  C. Michael Arnold        Washington Rowing School          07:12.2  13:52.0  13:35.4   63
6     64  John Froemming           Potomac Boat Club                 07:20.4  13:57.4  13:46.5   62
7     69  George Spiess            Susquehanna Rowing Assoc          07:38.8  14:22.6  14:06.0   63
8     65  William Kostoff          Potomac Boat Club                 07:43.5  15:05.1  14:36.5   65
9     61  Tim Rhynalds             Chester River Rowing Club         08:09.4  15:26.1  14:38.5   68
10    67  David McCandlish         Washington Rowing School          07:49.5  15:15.0  15:04.1   62
11    63  Thomas Schreppler        Chester River Rowing Club         07:37.8  15:11.2  15:05.8   61
12    70  Bob Brehm                Washington Rowing School          08:35.6  17:15.0  16:46.4   65

Event # 5F  Men's Senior Veteran Single

#    BOW  NAME                     CLUB                              KEYBRDG  TIME     ADJTIME  AGE
1     71  Bob Spousta              Occoquan Boat Club                07:06.4  13:44.4  13:30.2   72
2     76  Cal Sutliff              Potomac Boat Club                 07:53.4  15:30.9  13:38.3   84
3     75  Larry Curran             Washington Rowing School          07:50.4  14:50.3  13:49.8   78
4     74  Joseph Bracewell         Rock Creek Rowing                 07:47.7  15:10.5  14:41.5   74
5     72  Nils Peterson            Potomac Boat Club                 07:59.0  15:21.4  14:59.9   73
6     73  Sandy Irving             Washington Rowing School          08:06.4  15:49.6  15:28.1   73

6 Women's Intermediate/Juior/Master/Senior Master/Grand Master/Veteran/Senior Veteran Single

Event # 6A  Women's Junior Single

   No entries in this event this year.

Event # 6B  Women's Intermediate Single

   No entries in this event this year.

Event # 6C  Women's Master Single

#    BOW  NAME                             CLUB                                    KEYBRDG  TIME   
1     38  Emily Crowley                    Capital Rowing Club                     07:12.1  13:38.7
2     80  Grace Tran                       Capital Rowing Club                     07:13.5  13:44.4

Event # 6D  Women's Senior Master Single

#    BOW  NAME                            CLUB                                     KEYBRDG  TIME   
1     83  Elizabeth Tansey                Annapolis Rowing Club                    07:18.1  14:12.5
2     82  Siobhan Rigg                    Washington Rowing School                 07:39.4  14:50.0
3     81  Miranda Bureau                  Capital Rowing Club                      08:06.3  15:37.0

Event # 6E  Women's Grand Master Single

#    BOW  NAME                            CLUB                                     KEYBRDG  TIME   
1     90  Terry Gilmartin                 Occoquan Boat Club                       06:45.1  13:01.7
2     85  Charlotte Hollings              Calm Waters Rowing                       07:05.4  13:28.7
3     87  Carol Dinion                    Potomac Boat Club                        07:13.5  14:12.1
4     84  Lorea Wetten                    Potomac Boat Club                        07:34.8  14:32.8
5     89  Lisa Kleine                     Washington Rowing School                 07:45.6  14:52.3
6     86  Taj Carson                      Alexandria Community Rowing              08:44.2  16:10.2

Event # 6F  Women's Veteran Single

#    BOW  NAME                    CLUB                               KEYBRDG  TIME     ADJTIME  AGE
1     93  Jayne Lytel             TBC Racing                         07:18.4  14:04.9  13:30.1   66
2     95  Celia Merzbacher        Alexandria Community Rowing        07:19.6  14:01.1  13:32.5   65
3     91  Cynthia Cole            Washington Rowing School           07:30.9  14:16.7  13:48.1   65
4     92  Linda Porter            Potomac Boat Club                  07:38.9  14:49.9  14:15.1   66
5     97  Susan Driano            Capital Rowing Club                07:53.6  14:52.4  14:29.9   64
6     96  Caryl Salters           Potomac Boat Club                  08:39.1  16:34.0  16:17.4   63

Event # 6G  Women's Senior Veteran Single

   No entries in this event this year.

7 Men's Junior Eight

Event #  7  Men's Junior Eight

#    BOW  NAME                          CLUB                                       KEYBRDG  TIME   
1    101  Ryan Smith                    TBC Racing                                 05:18.2  10:06.3
2    107  Shelby Bavin                  Old Dominion Boat Club                     05:19.9  10:13.6
3    104  Lorenzo Antonazzo             Woodrow Wilson Sr. HS Crew                 05:23.6  10:15.1
4    102  Ethan Stoll                   Woodrow Wilson Sr. HS Crew                 05:25.5  10:19.9
5    105  Diago Arauz-Duarte            B-CC High School Crew Boosters             05:29.5  10:21.7
6    100  Jedin Truong                  Annapolis Junior Rowing Assoc              05:21.9  10:22.0
7    109  Kaleb Griffin                 TBC Racing                                 05:25.2  10:25.8
8    110  Erik Lindholm                 B-CC High School Crew Boosters             05:29.1  10:28.4
9    116  Lucas Resnik                  TBC Racing                                 05:34.4  10:40.7
10   111  Jack Mershon                  TBC Racing                                 05:40.1  10:43.9
11   103  Tyler Bailey                  Annapolis Junior Rowing Assoc              05:49.2  11:05.8
12   113  Emma Crane                    Old Dominion Boat Club                     05:48.6  11:08.7
13   106  Kevin Carchia                 Bishop O'Connell High School               05:51.7  11:13.7
14   120  Julien Howard                 B-CC High School Crew Boosters             05:58.6  11:15.4
15   117  Cameron Barnes                TBC Racing                                 05:53.9  11:16.5
16   114  Praveer Smith                 B-CC High School Crew Boosters             05:53.8  11:17.0
17   112  Taran Seferian                Woodrow Wilson Sr. HS Crew                 05:52.7  11:18.9
18   115  Makena Kaiman                 Old Dominion Boat Club                     05:59.0  11:23.2
19   119  Isabella Nguyen               TBC Racing                                 06:04.8  11:29.5
20   108  Amelia Paul                   Blair Crew                                 06:11.3  11:37.7
21   118  Colin Canfeld                 Old Dominion Boat Club                     06:22.7  12:06.1
22   123  Alex Colon                    Old Dominion Boat Club                     06:21.8  12:16.7
23   121  Jonas Lee                     TBC Racing                                 06:54.6  13:30.0

8 Men's Club Eight

Event #  8  Men's Club Eight

#    BOW  NAME                                 CLUB                                KEYBRDG  TIME   
1    124  Kelly Grace Richardson               Georgetown University               04:59.2  09:37.3
2    125  Miranda Tompkins                     Potomac Boat Club                   05:16.1  10:11.7
3    126  Layla Weiss                          Georgetown University               05:21.4  10:17.5
4    127  Shea Minter                          Potomac Boat Club                   05:24.3  10:20.8

9 Masters Four-with (M&W)

Event # 9A  Men's Master Four-with

#    BOW  NAME                       CLUB                            KEYBRDG  TIME     ADJTIME  AGE
1    129  Susan Weeks                Occoquan Boat Club              06:16.0  11:52.7  09:56.2   66
2    128  Clements                   Potomac Boat Club               05:33.6  10:47.0  10:38.6   40
3    130  Monica Freedman            Capital Rowing Club             06:21.7  12:06.1  11:25.2   51
4    132  Kali Kountoupis            Capital Rowing Club             07:40.4  14:25.9  13:59.0   47

Event # 9B  Women's Master Four-with

#    BOW  NAME                  CLUB                                 KEYBRDG  TIME     ADJTIME  AGE
1    133  Sarah Vest            Alexandria Community Rowing          06:28.4  12:28.4  11:35.2   54
2    134  Elisa Nickum          Capital Rowing Club                  07:45.8  14:21.6  13:57.9   46

10 Women's Club Eight

Event # 10  Women's Club Eight

#    BOW  NAME                                CLUB                                 KEYBRDG  TIME   
1    136  Gretchen Abell                      Capital Rowing Club                  05:50.2  11:06.5
2    137  Helen Wickett                       TBC Racing                           05:52.1  11:16.1
3    135  Fabriana Velasquez                  Potomac Boat Club                    05:56.4  11:32.3
4    139  Sophia Tursi                        TBC Racing                           06:02.0  11:43.0
5    138  Jennifer Perkins                    Capital Rowing Club                  06:30.6  12:25.2

11 Open Double (M&W)

Event #11A  Men's Open Double

   No entries in this event this year.

Event #11B  Women's Open Double

#    BOW  NAME                                     CLUB                            KEYBRDG  TIME   
1    140  Steele/Clarke-Marshall                   Unaffiliated                    07:02.9  13:31.8

12 Women's Junior Four-with

Event # 12  Women's Junior Four-with

#    BOW  NAME                           CLUB                                      KEYBRDG  TIME   
1    154  Njeri Booker                   Woodrow Wilson Sr. HS Crew                06:17.6  12:04.4
2    156  Ruthie Wix                     Woodrow Wilson Sr. HS Crew                06:21.1  12:14.9
3    149  Jacqueline Cavallin            TBC Racing                                06:25.5  12:22.9
4    148  Emma Shepard                   Blair Crew                                06:34.9  12:28.1
5    144  Sara Willhauck                 TBC Racing                                06:35.1  12:41.8
6    145  Sidney Ford                    Potomac Boat Club                         06:42.9  12:55.8
7    157  Rebecca Baker                  TBC Racing                                06:51.4  13:07.7
8    147  Elena Conic                    St. John's College High School            06:55.1  13:10.3
9    141  Nicole Bracht                  Bishop O'Connell High School              06:58.8  13:12.6
10   153  Sachi Gosal                    TBC Racing                                06:57.9  13:20.6
11   146  Ella Freihage                  Washington Rowing School                  07:03.1  13:25.9
12   159  Iciline Mix                    St. John's College High School            07:08.8  13:39.7
13   143  Annamarie Cohen                B-CC High School Crew Boosters            07:06.3  13:52.8
13   158  Gabriella Maitra               Blair Crew                                07:13.0  13:52.8
14   150  Sara Torres                    B-CC High School Crew Boosters            07:15.3  14:12.5
15   152  Ealisayd Triplett              Washington Rowing School                  07:33.0  14:27.2
16   151  Becky Roby                     Bishop O'Connell High School              07:35.0  14:41.5
17   155  Abigail Linson                 St. John's College High School            07:39.2  14:50.0

13 Men's Open Eight

Event # 13  Men's Open Eight

#    BOW  NAME                        CLUB                                    KEYBRDG  ADJTIME  PEN
1    162  Helena Yang                 Georgetown University                   04:57.5  09:31.5     
2    163  Luke Ames                   George Washington University            04:59.7  09:36.0     
3    161  Shea Minter                 Potomac Boat Club                       05:01.0  09:43.1     
4    165  Nelson Liu                  Georgetown University                   05:05.9  09:46.4     
5    168  Joseph Herlihy              Georgetown University                   05:09.7  09:49.3     
6    166  Miranda Tompkins            Potomac Boat Club                       05:17.6  10:07.8     
7    164  Lee Roman                   Baltimore Rowing Club                   05:21.0  10:25.5     
8    169  Henry Ryan                  George Washington University            05:26.7  10:31.3     
9    160  Robert Papel                MFH                                     05:28.8  10:37.2     
10   167  Eleanor Watson              George Washington Rowing Assoc          05:29.6  10:41.6     
11   171  Samanvitha Kaushik          George Washington University            07:10.6  14:21.2   30

171: Late to start

14 Club Double (M&W)/Mixed Open Double/Men's Junior Double

Event #14A  Men's Club Double

   No entries in this event this year.

Event #14B  Women's Club Double

   No entries in this event this year.

Event #14C  Mixed Open Double

#    BOW  NAME                               CLUB                                  KEYBRDG  TIME   
1    172  Madigan/Madigan                    Potomac Boat Club                     06:25.7  12:22.4

Event #14D  Men's Junior Double

   No entries in this event this year.

15 Adaptive Inclusion Double(PR1,PR2,PR3-RD,PR3-ID))(M,W&Mixed)

Event #15A  Men's PR1 Inclusion Double

   No entries in this event this year.

Event #15B  Women's PR1 Inclusion Double

   No entries in this event this year.

Event #15C  Mixed PR1 Inclusion Double

   No entries in this event this year.

Event #15D  Men's PR2 Inclusion Double

   No entries in this event this year.

Event #15E  Women's PR2 Inclusion Double

   No entries in this event this year.

Event #15F  Mixed PR2 Inclusion Double

   No entries in this event this year.

Event #15G  Men's PR3-PD Inclusion Double

   No entries in this event this year.

Event #15H  Women's PR3-PD Inclusion Double

   No entries in this event this year.

Event #15I  Mixed PR3-PD Inclusion Double

   No entries in this event this year.

Event #15J  Men's PR3-ID Inclusion Double

   No entries in this event this year.

Event #15K  Women's PR3-ID Inclusion Double

   No entries in this event this year.

Event #15L  Mixed PR3-ID Inclusion Double

   No entries in this event this year.

1964 Paddling Exhibition (M&W)

Event #1964M  Men's Paddling Exhibition

#    BOW  NAME                              CLUB                                   KEYBRDG  TIME   
1    187  Gavin Ross                        Washington Canoe Club                           06:44.6
2    190  Andrey Drachenko                  Washington Canoe Club                           07:08.7
3    191  Martin Lowenfish                  Washington Canoe Club                           07:09.0
4    189  Tim Johnson                       Washington Canoe Club                           07:10.9
5    186  Peter Swiek                       Washington Canoe Club                           07:28.2

Event #1964W  Women's Paddling Exhibition

#    BOW  NAME                              CLUB                                   KEYBRDG  TIME   
1    192  Kelly Rhodes                      Washington Canoe Club                           06:57.6
2    194  Kathleen McNamee                  Washington Canoe Club                           06:59.8
3    193  Erin Rhodes                       Washington Canoe Club                           07:03.9
4    196  Ilka Morris                       Washington Canoe Club                           08:09.8
5    195  Coralie Miller                    Washington Canoe Club                           08:25.4

16 Women's Open Four-with

Event # 16  Women's Open Four-with

   No entries in this event this year.

17 Open Quad (M&W)/Masters Quad (M&W)/Junior Quad (M&W)/Mixed Quad

Event #17A  Men's Open Quad

   No entries in this event this year.

Event #17B  Women's Open Quad

   No entries in this event this year.

Event #17C  Men's Master Quad

   No entries in this event this year.

Event #17D  Women's Master Quad

#    BOW  NAME                             CLUB                      KEYBRDG  TIME     ADJTIME  AGE
1    201  Crowley/Iyer/G-Houston/Tran      Capital Rowing Club       06:14.9  11:59.4  11:56.7   37

Event #17E  Men's Junior Quad

#    BOW  NAME                                       CLUB                          KEYBRDG  TIME   
1    203  Nash/Suri/Hensley/Panek                    Potomac Boat Club             05:52.3  11:17.0

Event #17F  Women's Junior Quad

#    BOW  NAME                                       CLUB                          KEYBRDG  TIME   
1    205  Wust/Kucko/Minnick/Frey                    Potomac Boat Club             06:00.1  11:33.1
2    206  Hemsley/GlowackiDowley/Galazin             Potomac Boat Club             06:38.1  12:41.8
3    204  Moss/Mann/Milbury/Cox                      Potomac Boat Club             06:45.7  12:47.9

Event #17G  Mixed Quad

   No entries in this event this year.

18 Masters Eight (M&W)

Event #18A  Men's Master Eight

#    BOW  NAME                       CLUB                            KEYBRDG  TIME     ADJTIME  AGE
1    284  Paul Knight                Occoquan International          05:50.6  11:12.9  09:36.3   64
2    209  Susan Weeks                Occoquan Boat Club              05:48.0  11:01.5  09:40.7   61
3    207  Shea Minter                Potomac Boat Club               05:31.3  10:35.9  10:11.0   47
4    208  Kathleen Connolly          Rock Creek Rowing               06:31.0  12:31.0  11:05.1   62

Event #18B  Women's Master Eight

#    BOW  NAME                      CLUB                             KEYBRDG  TIME     ADJTIME  AGE
1    212  Gretchen Abell            Capital Rowing Club              06:05.8  11:44.7  11:10.3   50
2    211  Stella Smith              Rock Creek Rowing                06:33.5  12:38.1  11:40.6   56
3    210  Terri Borges              Annapolis Rowing Club            06:33.0  12:36.6  11:47.4   54
4    215  Lisa Dorn                 Rock Creek Rowing                06:50.6  13:04.9  11:58.5   58
5    214  Rachel Poor               Capital Rowing Club              06:40.8  12:49.7  12:24.8   47
6    213  Ruth Roberts              We Can Row DC                    07:19.0  14:02.4  12:51.3   59

19 Men's Junior Four-with

Event # 19  Men's Junior Four-with

#    BOW  NAME                       CLUB                                     KEYBRDG  ADJTIME  PEN
1    221  Lucas Resnik               TBC Racing                               05:54.1  11:11.2     
2    216  Kaleb Griffin              TBC Racing                               05:51.5  11:12.3     
3    218  Ethan Stoll                Woodrow Wilson Sr. HS Crew               05:58.9  11:23.8     
4    283  Jonathan Crist             Potomac Boat Club                        05:50.5  11:41.5   30
5    217  Phillip Omohundro          St. John's College High School           06:07.6  11:48.4     
6    224  Lorenzo Antonazzo          Woodrow Wilson Sr. HS Crew               06:07.7  11:53.2     
7      1  Kevin Carchia              Bishop O'Connell High School             06:21.2  11:59.4     
8    220  Gabriella Maitra           Blair Crew                               06:14.4  12:02.5     
9    225  Owen Egger                 St. John's College High School           06:09.7  12:28.2     
10   222  Sydney Trent               St. John's College High School           06:30.9  12:34.6     
11   227  Declan McAndrews           St. John's College High School           06:43.7  12:56.9     
12   223  Ryan Smith                 TBC Racing                               06:32.6  12:58.1     
13   226  Nicole Bracht              Bishop O'Connell High School             07:09.9  13:34.8

283: Late to start

20 Men's Open Four-with

Event # 20  Men's Open Four-with

#    BOW  NAME                          CLUB                                       KEYBRDG  TIME   
1    234  Oliver Broadrick              George Washington University               05:34.0  10:32.9
2    232  Robert Karlen                 Potomac Boat Club                          05:36.2  10:39.6
3    230  Luke Ames                     George Washington University               05:40.2  10:47.8
4    228  Peter Clements                Potomac Boat Club                          05:37.1  10:52.6
5    231  Kassidy Kenney                Occoquan Boat Club                         05:52.6  11:14.2

21 Women's Open Eight

Event # 21  Women's Open Eight

#    BOW  NAME                           CLUB                                      KEYBRDG  TIME   
1    236  Rachel Kaufman                 George Washington University              05:43.0  10:50.9
2    238  Olivia Cantrell                George Washington University              05:41.0  10:52.2
3    237  Alexander Zulauf               TBC Racing                                05:45.3  11:08.3
4    240  Keely Dion                     George Washington University              05:51.9  11:11.5
5    235  Fabriana Velasquez             Potomac Boat Club                         05:55.1  11:21.4
6    239  Jessica Neill                  TBC Racing                                06:18.6  11:59.9

22 Masters Double (M&W&Mixed)

Event #22A  Men's Master Double

#    BOW  NAME                       CLUB                            KEYBRDG  TIME     ADJTIME  AGE
1    244  Knight/Hughes              Potomac Boat Club               05:53.8  11:19.0  10:55.3   46
2    241  Dyott/Biddle               Annapolis Rowing Club           06:42.1  12:52.9  10:56.4   66
3    285  Seymour/DelSordo           Finish Line Shell Repair        05:49.1  11:13.9  11:12.5   36
4    242  Slakey/van der Vink        Potomac Boat Club               06:35.8  12:50.8  11:23.5   61

Event #22B  Women's Master Double

#    BOW  NAME                      CLUB                             KEYBRDG  TIME     ADJTIME  AGE
1    245  Dinion/Porter             Potomac Boat Club                06:46.8  13:08.9  11:41.6   61
2    246  Acerra/Hollins            Capital Rowing Club              06:31.7  12:42.4  11:57.5   52
3    248  Rock-Blake/Gruber         Wilmington Rowing Center         06:52.6  13:30.6  13:26.0   38

Event #22C  Mixed Master Double

#    BOW  NAME                    CLUB                               KEYBRDG  TIME     ADJTIME  AGE
1    251  Gruber/Lytel            TBC Racing                         07:00.8  13:37.2  11:27.9   68
2    253  Vest/Jones              Alexandria Community Rowing        06:27.3  12:27.8  11:50.6   50
3    250  Heimberg/Barrett        Alexandria Community Rowing        06:35.0  12:40.4  12:03.2   50
4    252  Platt/Dinan             Swan Creek Rowing Club             06:38.1  13:07.6  12:10.0   55
5    249  Thomas/Pfaff            Annapolis Rowing Club              06:22.1  12:16.9  12:16.9   35
6    173  Arnold/Ronchi           Washington Rowing School           07:14.6  13:43.9  12:46.3   55

23 Women's Junior Eight/Mixed Eight/Grand Challenge Octuple

Event #23A  Women's Junior Eight

#    BOW  NAME                           CLUB                                      KEYBRDG  TIME   
1    255  Maddie Ryan                    TBC Racing                                05:55.5  11:14.1
2    254  Madeline Glanz                 Old Dominion Boat Club                    05:55.5  11:15.7
3    258  Siena Bingham                  TBC Racing                                05:57.2  11:22.1
4    259  Abby Putnam                    TBC Racing                                06:00.4  11:23.6
5    260  Annamarie Cohen                B-CC High School Crew Boosters            06:03.4  11:36.5
6    261  Emma Shepard                   Blair Crew                                06:09.1  11:45.2
7    256  Lara Batrouni                  Annapolis Junior Rowing Assoc             06:08.1  11:45.6
8    257  Charlotte Comrack              Woodrow Wilson Sr. HS Crew                06:11.7  11:54.4
9    273  Paige Dillinger                Old Dominion Boat Club                    06:17.8  12:00.3
10   266  Nina Hannafin                  Woodrow Wilson Sr. HS Crew                06:14.3  12:06.3
11   262  Jamison Forman                 TBC Racing                                06:20.5  12:11.4
12   268  Sophia Tursi                   TBC Racing                                06:23.3  12:24.0
13   265  Isabelle Levenson              TBC Racing                                06:23.8  12:28.0
14   264  Madison Cervenak               Bishop O'Connell High School              06:41.0  12:38.3
15   269  Helen Wickett                  TBC Racing                                06:34.0  12:39.9
16   267  Catherine Goldstein            Old Dominion Boat Club                    07:01.4  12:41.8
17   271  Daviana Marcus                 B-CC High School Crew Boosters            06:48.5  12:53.3
18   275  Mary Winn                      Old Dominion Boat Club                    06:48.9  12:54.5
19   274  Taran Seferian                 Woodrow Wilson Sr. HS Crew                07:16.2  13:09.1
20   263  Kazumi Haag                    Washington Rowing School                  07:53.3  14:58.8
21   272  Rebecca Baker                  TBC Racing                                11:31.8  22:13.0
     270  Dihya Zahar                    Blair Crew                                         DNF    

Event #23B  Mixed Eight

#    BOW  NAME                    CLUB                               KEYBRDG  TIME     ADJTIME  AGE
1    279  Sarah Vest              Alexandria Community Rowing        06:11.3  11:52.8  11:18.4   50
2    280  Kassie Stagner          Athletes Without Limits            06:17.0  11:55.2  11:55.2   25
3    276  Sofia Alfonso           Capital Rowing Club                06:15.1  11:56.1  11:56.1   32
4    277  Kathleen Connolly       Rock Creek Rowing                  07:09.9  13:47.8  12:16.6   63
5    278  Rachel Poor             Capital Rowing Club                06:23.6  12:20.6  12:17.9   37
6    281  Shirine Moazed          Rock Creek Rowing                  07:03.6  13:22.7  12:29.4   55
7    282  Shoshana Levy           Gray Knights Rowing Club           07:08.3  13:42.5  12:53.3   54

Event #23C  Grand Challenge Octuple

   No entries in this event this year.